Monday, March 30, 2015

Switzerland- Klosters and Davos

Klosters, Switzerland
 The apartment we stayed in was just south of the ski run.  We walked out our door, up a little hill, and we were at the run.
The children made a slide that was on a hill next to the apartment.  It slid directly onto the road.  A little dangerous...but danger is our game. 
Tunnel fun!
 Sledding on the slopes!
Help! I've fallen and can't get up!


 We took one day to walk around the town and let our (my) tired bodies have a break from skiing.  While we were looking for the horse sleigh, we saw this parade going down the street.  I think it may have been a Valentine parade.   They had some music going with all these sweet preschoolers following along.  It brought a smile to our tired bodies.

 Found the horse and sleigh but still needed to find the area to rent a horse ride for an hour.  Hmmmm more walking.

This is what I think of when I think of Switzerland.  Love this look.   Very authentic.

We had to use a lot of self-control to not climb the fence and play in the deep snow.  Doesn't it look tempting?


                                 Yay!  We found our horse carriage ride.

These blankets were AMAZING!  They were so thick and warm.  Kept smiles on all our faces-not to mention the incredible view we had.



SO, after our lovely hour ride in  the carriage, we were all hungry well before the restaurants opened at 7:00.  Did you know you usually need a reservation to eat?  We didn't.   We could not find a place to eat.   We walked and walked and walked some more until we finally decided to walk to our apartment and eat some canned soup we brought from home:(  This cat was a gift from God.  We were all getting a bit grumpy, tired, and cold, but then comes along this wonderful cat which lifted our spirits again to finish the walk with extra energy.  The grace of God to the Williams clan.  We loved how it could just balance itself on the post and not have a hint of lopsidedness.

On another day, we decided to try this new area.  Doesn't it look thrilling?  We had a blast!  The best part was the kid area where Isaac could sled down a hill on his own.  He didn't need help to go up and down.   



                            Waiting for the train to take us to Davos area.


                                         On the train to Davos.

Going up the hill in the child was a little nervous about the height but was willing to be brave and continue on.

           Here are the fun sleds we got to use. Racing down the hill was their choice of entertainment.  They did enjoy some skiing, but I think this was their favorite part.





This was another highlight of our trip.  James getting his first Swiss Army knife from Switzerland.


 Once we arrived at our apartment, the owners told us about the other way to go to Italy.  It went through the mountains rather than around the mountains, the way we came.  All you had to do was drive your car onto a train and let the train take you to the other side.  That simple, right?   It was that simple, only it took a bit longer to go this way.  We were waiting for two hours to actually get onto the train.  We decided it wasn't worth it for our American hearts whom like to be busy, or at least "feel" like we're getting somewhere.  Our patience was running low by the time we actually drove on the train.  Despite the time strain, it was pretty cool to say we drove on a train with our car and went through the Swiss Alps.

...and here we are waiting in line.  Can't even see the train, hoping we are in the right spot.


...still waiting.

...Yay the train!

As we drove off the train, we did get to see these parasails using the wind to ski on the lake.  Maybe next time we'll get to try that.